
Monday, May 18, 2015

Clinical Technology Intelligence (CTIRx) By PBIRx

Intelligent Solutions in Pharmacy Benefits
612 Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, CT 06461
(888) 797-2479

Clinical Technology Intelligence services by PBIRx

At PBIRx, we are all about finding ways to minimize healthcare costs by developing cost saving solutions that each of our many clients can benefit from. Aside from our consulting and auditing services, one of the major benefits we offer is our clinical technology intelligence, also known as CTIRx. Through this service, our goal is to promote clinically appropriate prescription drug utilization, which in turn results in positive healthcare outcomes (including pharmacy benefit savings, of course).

To ensure that our clients are paying the appropriate prices for pharmaceutical services, we run their claims through our CTIRx data processor. Then, we carefully analyze the results to determine what steps must be taken next in order to present our clients with the most beneficial clinical savings programs.

But what exactly are we analyzing?

Throughout the process, we complete a monthly analysis of cost and claims for all types of prescription drugs, review physician prescribing practices and manage specialty spend by following along with the steps presented in our specialty drug tool box. Furthermore, we analyze the cost of prescriptions through medical J code and compare that to the pharmacy benefit, and determine how we can alter drug dispensing to further benefit the client.

Since pharmacy benefits are so complex by nature, we have made it our priority to offer providing entities the services they need to ensure that what they are spending accurately reflects the lowest possible prices. For more information about our CTIRx services and how we can help you manage your pharmacy benefit costs, please visit our website or contact us at 1 (888) RxPBIRx (797-2479) today.

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